Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Communal Sacrament Cup

Often our very large family would travel a couple hours to someone's home to a different city so we could attend church.  All the families took turns hosting sacrament meeting every week, so every once in awhile, we held church at our home.

One super fun thing about sacrament meetings in this church, was the communal cup.  Me and my sisters were always grossed out by drinking from the same cup as the other people that happened to be in this church.

Some of my best memories I had about all these sacrament meetings, was when my dad would talk.  He always had the best stories, and knew how to keep everyone's attention and get them to laugh.  My dad was definitely a great story teller, and speaker.  He was a good leader, husband, and father.

I still put my dad on a pedestal today.  My dad could do no wrong, and with all his knowledge and wit, it just made life with him even better.  He could fix anything, and had an imagination that would please any child.  He made the most creative Pine Wood Derby cars with my brothers, and could draw anything.  My dad was an artist, and he always made me proud, even if we did have to drink from the same cup as old men.

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